Why Now’s a Great Time to ask for Google Reviews

QBites- nNw is a great time to ask for a Google review

Way to go! You just survived another tax season. While you might still be filing a few extensions, you can hopefully see the light at the end of the tunnel. As you breathe a little easier between projects and deadlines, would you believe now is a great time to be marketing your business? More specifically, now is an ideal time to ask for Google reviews.

You are already in front of your clients, and you are delivering value. It just makes sense to ask for a Google Business Profile (formally Google My Business) review. A lot of your clients will be happy to give you a review. They just need an extra reminder or reason to take a few minutes to do so.

If you don’t have a Google Business Profile, stop reading and watch this video on how to set one up. https://youtu.be/UUolxjCgS1Y

Google reviews serve 2 key purposes for accounting firms. First, it helps you stand out to prospective clients. Most people will find a few accountants online and then decide based on several factors, including the quality and quantity of online reviews written about each business. Second, online reviews play a major role in ranking for local searches. The more online reviews your firm receives on a regular basis, the more likely you are to outrank your competitors. 


Google Reviews

So now that we’ve established that Google reviews are important. How do you get them?

Here are 5 commonly used methods to build your reviews: 

  1. Email or Text: After you complete your services, follow up via email or text message to ask how else you can help and request a review (by including an easy-to-use link right to your Google Business Profile) if they are satisfied with your work.
  2. Newsletter: If you send out a newsletter, just include a request for reviews in each newsletter. The individuals who read through your newsletters are probably the ones who will most likely review your business.
  3. Website: Add a “Review Us” link or page on your website. If you have a testimonials section or page on your site, this is a great location to add your review links. You can also include a review link as part of your website’s footer section.
  4. Flyers or Cards: If you are still regularly seeing clients in person, print out some cards or flyers to share with them. And remember to leave the cards/flyers near your reception area. PRO TIP: Add a QR code to the flier that links directly to your Google review pge. This makes the process as frictionless as possible. 
  5. Online Surveys: Send a brief (one-minute) online survey to your clients as soon as their return is closed (or very soon after). Follow up with any clients who give you positive feedback and ask them to leave you a Google review. 

There is no doubt Google reviews are very beneficial to you and your firm. In fact, you might be amazed at how big of a role those little yellow stars play in the overall success of your business. Another great bit of news – getting reviews on the world’s top search engine is absolutely free! 

Take time to celebrate you made it through another busy tax season! Then, set aside a few extra minutes to ask clients for Google reviews, and just watch those little stars roll in.

If you need additional help or have questions… Let’s Talk