6 Benefits of BLOGS for Accounting Professionals

It’s a new year, and that means it’s a great time to let go of the old and bring in the new. When it comes to your business, one resource to add into the mix is a blog. Your blog can provide answers your clients seek, create a great first impression with prospects, and offer your firm an inexpensive and very effective marketing tool.

LAST MONTH we focused on the importance of using your QBC article for a regular EMAIL newsletter to your clients HERE

If starting a blog makes you worry about your writing expertise, rest easy. Your readers won’t care if you end a sentence in a preposition or are missing a comma or two. They only care about finding answers to their tax and accounting questions, and as a QBC subscriber and expert in your field, you have loads of that information to share.

Can a blog really benefit you and your business?

Let’s Look At 6 Reasons Blogs Are a Great Idea For Accounting Pros

  1. Blogging Builds Relationships with Clients and Prospects – Blog posts remind your clients of important items to discuss with you and educate them on your variety of services. And, to prospects, your blog personalizes your brand and helps you feel like a helpful advisor even before they’ve worked with you.
  2. Saves Time in Answering Questions – How much time would you save if you didn’t have to explain something over and over? Your posts can teach simple concepts to your clients and prospects. Write the post once, and your words could help hundreds of readers for years, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

  3. Creates Instant Credibility for Referrals – A newly referred prospect will check out your website before they call or visit your firm. Your blog posts could be providing them with free and useful information all while establishing you as knowledgeable and competent.

  4. Capitalizes on Immediacy – Businesspeople are busy. It’s unlikely they’ve had time to incorporate every new rule or regulation into their day-to-day processes. Writing a quick blog about the latest IRS release or FASB standard shows your firm is on top of the issue and keeping their best interests in mind. Did you know we have a monthly tax planning article? TAX PLAN NEWSLETTER

  5. Increases Your Search Engine Rankings – We know SEO may feel like it’s mentioned too much or feels somewhat mysterious, but don’t underestimate its importance. Search engines (let’s be honest, it’s mostly Google) help determine your website’s ranking and category based on content. Publishing regular blogs about “Quickbooks how-to” teaches them WHO you are and WHAT you’re good at.

  6. Instant Newsletter Content – Your blog will no doubt be full of key topics your clients are interested in, which means your newsletter will be too. Simply set up your newsletter to include your latest blog posts. By sharing your blogs in your newsletter, you can reach people who don’t visit your website regularly.

A blog has all these benefits and more! It’s one of the least expensive options in your marketing toolkit, and it’s a great way to stand out from many firms that don’t have a blog.

Remember; you don’t have to be a best-selling writer to have a successful blog. Your blog just needs to offer timely advice, simplify complex issues into understandable steps, and provide key updates for upcoming deadlines. You can do that. It’s what you do every day for your clients.


As a subscriber, you’ve already got blog content each month with either DESKTOP or ONLINE. And if you get both articles each month then you have even MORE blog content to post. 

Each month you’ll get your NOTIFY email from us. This email contains ALL the links: the WORD version of each article + the screen shot images. Here’s a quick video on what that looks like: 


The QBC: Downloading the monthly article for your blog – Watch Video

If you need additional help or have questions… Let’s Talk